Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just spoke with a new BLM friend that I am sure will continue to be a wonderful friend in the future. We discussed alot and I stayed up way to late LOL but it was well worth it! Conversations and wonderful comments from old friends and new BLM friends helps me appreciate this blog all the more. I never would have met any BLM's without this blog. I thank God for the strength to go through this, I could not do it without Him.

Today a new friend from the pregnancy forum I was on when i was pregnant told me that she was going to forget the two miscarriages she had and that that would be easier. While I know that this is societies way of handling such loss I personally don't see how it's possible. After speaking to her I wouldn't think it would be possible to her either. I wish her all the best in the world and pray she has many children but I hope that she doesn't forget because she has two babies in heaven who love and need the love from their momma just the same.

As my friend said today all us BLM's need to get the word out that we will NOT stop talking. Talking is good and we need to get the word out that miscarriage is a loss it is a loss the same as any other. Our babies were alive and taken from us far too soon. We will not "get over" this, this loss will always be with us so others need to learn how to handle such situation because thousands of women have miscarriages over 700,000 in a year. This is not something small so people might as well learn how to handle and help us through.

Mommy loves you sweet babies. I will always tell EVERYONE I am your momma! I will broadcast that love from now until the day I die. And I will praise God every day for you! 

Now that the sun will be coming up soon.... I am off to bed.


  1. Love this post, I have also suffered loss through a miscarriage as well as the loss of my infant son shortly after his birth. So I know the full depth of your pain. We will never forget our babies. Love to you and your angels


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